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Classification of commonly used antennas
Classification of commonly used antennas Jun 13, 2024

1) Whip antenna

General work is not high, in the U/V band, there are many deformed forms, such as rod antenna, spring antenna, etc., automobile, wireless WIFI, walkie-talkie, etc. often use a kind of omni-directional antenna, the gain is not high, generally within 10dBi, but also can be more than one group array (SCT rod antenna) to achieve higher performance indicators.

2) Plate antenna

The most used antenna in mobile communication base station, the advantages of this kind of antenna are: high gain, good directional map of sector area, small back flap, easy to control the pitch angle of vertical plane directional map, reliable sealing performance and long service life.

3) Ceiling antenna

Generally used for indoor wireless coverage scene, according to its different radiation form, can be divided into directional ceiling antenna and omni-directional ceiling antenna, omni-directional ceiling antenna can be divided into unipolarized ceiling and dual-polarized ceiling two.

4) Yagi antenna / logarithmic periodic antenna

Yagi antenna is mainly used for link transmission and repeater, has the advantages of high gain, light structure, easy to set up, cheap and so on. The more units of antenna, the higher its gain, usually 6-12 units of yagi directional antenna, its gain can reach 10-15dBi. old TV receiving antenna is used yagi antenna. Logarithmic periodic antenna and yagi antenna is similar, by adjusting the frequency of each radiation unit, has a wide bandwidth coverage ability, mainly used for link relay, radio direction finding.

5)Parabolic antenna

Specialized in long-distance communication of high directional antenna, there is a very narrow beamwidth and high gain value, can also be called high gain directional antenna. There are also a variety of deformation, including front-feeding parabolic, back-feeding Cassegrain antenna, weight reduction and low-frequency use of the grid antenna. These antennas are typically used for point-to-point communication connections, where the antennas must be very precisely aimed at each other and the Light of Sight (LOS) between the antennas must be free of any obstructions.

We see the parabolic antenna has big and small, small such as household "pot cover", large such as satellite receiving station diameter of more than ten meters "big pot cover", this size is called the caliber, the larger the caliber, the higher the antenna gain.

6) Plane antenna

PCB antenna: PCB antenna is the most common planar antenna, both can be a small piece or a small ring, can be spiral or linear.

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